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Science In Search Of Eternal Life

Can Man Live Forever? It is difficult to answer this question from a scientific point of view. According to Google’s computer scientist Ray Kurzweil, it will be possible to fully upload the brain to a computer in the next two decades. Does this mean that transferring all one’s past life’s memory to a computer hard disk or a chip means to defeat hunger, thirst, sleep and death and live forever? One hundred percent brain would be possible to transfer to a computer, and how many thousands of terabytes of memory would be required?

What if our brain was uploaded to a "Sophia" style or even more advanced artificial intelligence robot that could think for itself, make decisions, distinguish right from wrong and right from wrong, but Will he be able to truly feel emotions like love, hate, anger and happiness, or will he be able to generate these emotions only on the basis of statistics, keeping in view the past moments and events? These are not just assumptions, but strong hopes that this reality will become possible in the next few decades, so what is the status of consciousness and what is consciousness really?

Scientifically just the systematic pattern of firing billions of neurons in the brain, but in religion the answer takes us to the soul, and the soul is beyond the realm of science. The earliest story of the desire to live forever and the search for eternal life takes us back to Gilgamesh four thousand years ago, who, at the behest of Utnapishtim, set out in search of a plant from which to attain eternal life. The story of the Great Flood and the Tree of Life is surprisingly found in almost all the ancient civilizations of the world, from Egypt to Iran.

The Iranians gave the juice of this tree as Home Ras, while the Hindus called it Som Ras. The question here is, is there any living thing in the world that has eternal life? Surprisingly, the biological answer to this is "yes". The jellyfish, called Turritopsis nutricula, have an infinite life, and regenerate themselves by bringing their cells back to normal before they die or are injured.

This process is called cell undergo transfusion, in which one type of cell is essentially transformed into another type of cell. Have these jellyfish always been, and always will be? The scientific answer is that we do not know, because decades have passed since it was discovered, and science does not yet have a definitive answer to this question. Speaking of humans, telomeres in human DNA are the cause of aging. Each time the cell divides, the telomere's length decreases, and eventually the person dies.

On the other hand, scientists have been working on transhumans for a long time, although it is illegal, but still experiments are being carried out in many countries of the world, and scientists have been successful in this. In the near future, it will become very common to change the DNA of a human being to shift the sharp vision of the eagle into it, or to create the ability to see in the dark like cats and other animals, or Elephants and other animals have other characteristics, and this has now become a reality.

In addition, pigs have recently been experimented with transplanting kidney and heart into the human body after genetic mutations, and in the near future, humans will be able to transplant their organs, but Will all these efforts defeat death? Scientifically we can say that physically man will live a long life, but will uploading the brain, from telomeres and DNA changes to transplants, give man eternal life?

The short answer to this is "no". Even if a person overcomes his physical age, old age, organ transplants and diseases, he cannot stop the soul from leaving the body. The Creator of the universe did not give the power of creation and death to man, so science can lead human beings to longevity, but it cannot give eternity. Yes, but our brain can live digitally in a computer or robot, but not real, because life is just the name of the being or not being of the soul and consciousness is a feature of that soul.